Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Two E's That Have People Talking

They are NOT Economy and Embargo, so no worries, no politics here folks!

The words are not new in the industry, but the focus on them has certainly ratcheted up recently.  Experience and Engagement are on the lips of many in the industry today.

Experience - We are all trying to find ways to improve the experience of everything.  We want people to have the ideal experience in booking, at check in (air or hotel), using the product (airplane seat, hotel room, rental car, driver) and in the extras that come with each of the above.  The challenge, that I will come right out and talk about, how do you accurately measure experience?  You can give my colleague and me the exact same experience and we will measure it differently in that moment.

I have to come determine that I cannot make everyone's experience ideal all of the time, but my goal can be to make their next experience better than the one before.  Experience measurement isn't about one instance, it has to be measured overtime and as long as the trend line for experience is improving, I see that as a win!

Engagement - Getting engagement right is a tough.  People don't like to take surveys, or do they?  People don't care about offers, or do they?  People don't want to talk to anyone, or do they?  People don't like getting more emails, or do they?

We are tackling engagement in a few different ways.  We are bringing travel suppliers to the people in travel fairs and office visits.  We are sending targeted messages to get people information that is specific to them, their travel or their needs.  We are working on response times to traveler questions and issues.  Suppliers are working to understand travelers more and that is happening through engagement and data analytics.

No matter how you are tackling the E's noted above, I am excited that as an industry we are talking about them.  It's a game changer for corporate travel and a much welcomed one by the employees in our companies.  Let's remember, our job is to keep them going.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Social Experiment, North Dakota Style

I have been travelling the last few weeks and thought I would try a social experiment to see how people react to what I am wearing in airports and cities around the US. 

Trip one, I wore a University of North Dakota sweatshirt.  The comments I received were geared toward their hockey program and the Fighting Sioux nickname controversy as well as one about the aviation program (from a pilot).  I had 4 comments total, which I thought was a good baseline. 

Trip two, I wore a University of Mary sweatshirt.  While in Marauder Blue and Orange, I received comments about the integrity of the school, how someone’s son went there and it was the most amazing choice for him and that is changed his life, and I also had a few people question where it was and was I instructor there.  I also had someone talk to me about the school’s leadership!  I had 6 comments total, which I found odd for a small Catholic college in ND, but it proves that school is making a name for itself and Monsignor James Shea is a rockstar! 

Trip three, I wore a North Dakota State University sweatshirt.  I was met with passing “horns up” signs in the airport (no words spoken.)  I had people talk about the football team and how they had been to a game in Fargo and how nice the fan base was.  I received comments about the “strength of the herd” and their travelling fan base.  I stopped counting at 9, but if I had to guess, it was probably close to a dozen people who commented on that choice of clothing. 

We have great schools here in the state that people are talking about outside our borders.  We have schools that offer world class programs in aviation, medicine, law, ethics, engineering, technology and agriculture to name a few.  We have a lot of be proud of in this state and it’s not about football or hockey, it’s about offering education options that make a difference.  I intend on wearing Lake Region State College on my next trip because as always, I keep going! 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

More Tomorrows

A few weeks back, I wrote about how a small town came together to support my nephew with Cystic Fibrosis in his quest for a double lung transplant.  I am happy to say, Kyle got the call last week and today marks a week since the miraculous surgery happened.  Here is a timeline that I think is interesting, touching and amazing
Wed, Sep 4
5:29p – Kyle gets the call from the transplant coordinator telling him that the lungs have been located. 
5:50p – My phone rings, it’s my brother, but I was on a work call, so I ignore the call.  (Not Kyle’s dad, but another brother.)
5:55p – I get a text that says, “Kyle’s lungs are here!!”
9:51p – I meet Kyle’s parents as they stop for fuel in Fargo.  I am met with HUGE hugs and tears of excitement from both.  Send them on their way knowing surgery was schedule for Sep 5th at 9:00a
Thu, Sep 5
8:43a – Kyle’s Dad texted to say “Just gave him hugs before going in.”  (Insert tears, prayers and more tears.)
12:10p – Text from Dad saying OR called and surgery going well and they are prepping for transplant. 
2:35p – Text from Dad saying that new lungs are in and working well. (Insert tears and prayers.)
4:45p – Doc visited Mom and Dad and said surgery went VERY well.  Kyle is in a sedated slumber for the night and resting well. 
Fri, Sep 6
Kyle had a good night under sedation and his first question via writing to his night nurse, “Did the Packers win?” meant he was totally aware!  The day continues with a lot going on. 
5:53p – We received a video of Kyle taking his first breath with his new lungs.  Yes, a day later, they removed his intubation and he was breathing on his own!  His parents were as excited to see that first breath as they were when he took his first over 31 years ago. 
Sat, Sep 7
Kyle went for a stroll in the ward. Amazing, up and walking less than 2 days post surgery. 
Sep 12
Kyle continues to get stronger every day and while he has months left for full recovery, he is on his way to more tomorrows
Why do I share all this?  Because miracles happen and I while I wasn’t there physically, I KNOW that it happened. 
Do we think this happened without tragedy?  No, and that is both difficult and inspiring.  Someone had to say goodbye so Kyle could have more tomorrows and we are forever grateful that the person and their family said yes to being a part of a miracle for our family and countless others.  I will never know anything about the person or the family, but I pray for them nonetheless. 
My message this week; We all want to make a difference in someone’s life.  I ask that each of you reading, seriously consider becoming a donor and maybe, just maybe, you will make a difference in someone’s life that you can’t imagine.  As Kyle enjoys another tomorrow, with tears in my eyes and a prayer on my lips, I keep going. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Rita Visser

In less than a week, I will stand on stage in front of my peers in the industry and ask for their vote to represent them on the Global Business Travel Association Board of Directors.  In doing that, I think there are few things you should know about me that may help you make the decision.

1 - My family means the world to me.  What does that have to do anything we are talking about?  NOTHING, but I wanted it clear who comes first. 
2 - I work for Oracle and am blessed to have been with the company for 15 years (25 if you count the years I was with them on the agency side).  I have held a number of roles within the organization and I have an amazing team of people I get to work with everyday. 
3 - I LOVE this industry.  I love that in one minute I am talking about the new aircraft coming up, next I am talking about how connected cars are the future, then I move into a conversation on how online booking tools are evolving to meet the needs of travelers and end on how hotel inventory challenges in a certain city will impact the company!  That's all in one day!  Having been in this industry for 25 years....did I just type that?...I like to think I know something about almost everything but still have so much to learn. 
4 - I never start a project I can't finish.  Which is why I decided to run again.  There is work to be completed and I want to see initiatives through to completion. 
5 - I am a strategist.  I am the person in the room asking the, "then what?" question.  If people don't have an answer for the "then what?", I love working with them to create the "then what."  I enjoy thinking beyond what is now and I believe that will serve well on the Board of Directors.  GBTA is evolving and I can see the "then what" and want to work to get the association, the industry and most importantly, my peers to that place. 

I hope this has helped you to know more about me, convinced you to #VoteforVisser and that you are inclined to wear the ribbon below and support my journey.  If you have questions or would like to chat about anything, I am always available, so please reach out.  In the meantime, as always, I keep going. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Convention Must See/Do List

GBTA Convention is less than 20 days away.  Everyone is working on their meeting schedules and social agenda.  I thought I would share my list of top 10 things to see and do this year during convention in order of when they are happening.  I hope you find this helpful! 


10 – WINiT – Saturday - This is will be the first WINiT Summit since the GBTA/WINiT acquisition and this one is one NOT to miss.  Amazing speakers on relevant topics like leadership, sales skills and brand building. 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

9 – GBTA 5k Run/Walk – Sunday - With American Airlines, the walk will bring awareness to the issue of human trafficking.  Enjoy a Sunday morning stroll in the Windy City. 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

8 – Sunday education sessions and Peer to Peer sessions.  With longer education sessions, these really get into the “how to” of many of the things going on in the industry.  Don’t miss out! 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

7 – Education, Education, Education – With over 150 Education sessions, there is something for everyone. 

6 – Annual business meeting – Monday – There are many contested races this year and that will be your time to hear from the candidates who will help shape the future of GBTA.  I will be there and would appreciate your vote! 

5 – Hometown CEO Panel – Monday  - Some great CEO’s taking the stage. 

4 – Did someone say NDC?  There will be MANY education sessions on the topic and even a Center Stage discussion on the matter!  You won’t want to miss that one. 

3 – Arena Stage – Each Day - Some exciting announcements coming this year that you don’t want to miss! Speakers like Bob Costa, Andy Cohen and Ashley Judd will all have relevance to our industry, but you have to show up to see what they have to say!

2 – Trade show – Each Day - With an expansive trade show floor in Chicago, you will be able to meet with the newest and most innovative suppliers in the industry.  Wear good walking shoes because you won’t want to miss seeing any of them! 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

1 – Networking – DAY and NIGHT, Start to finish - This is THE place where I find myself having many 5 minute conversations that form my thoughts, ideas and plans for the future!  Where else can you get that? 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


When people think of Independence Day in the US, they think fireworks, grilling out and a cold beer.  I know every country has their own way to celebrate their respective Independence Day and that is amazing.  However, I want to call to mind not HOW we celebrate, but WHAT we celebrate. 


Independence equals freedom and it means different things to different people.  For a Veteran, it’s the freedom for which they fought.  For a person with a diseases, it’s a few minutes out of the hospital and free from the watchful eye of the nurses.  For a teenager, it’s a trip away from their parents where they finally feel free.  For a person with an addiction, it’s freedom from that monster that is tearing them and their family apart. 


I think we are all looking for independence/freedom from something and  we should look for those and celebrate those whenever we find them.  As we embark on the Independence holiday, I want to wish everyone the freedom they are looking for and when you find it, share it, celebrate it and keep going! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Raised in a Community, By a Community to Support the Community

There are times I have to defend my upbringing, where I live and or even why I still live here and each time I proudly speak up for my rural upbringing and my choice to stay in ND!  I do it with pride in being raised in a community of and by people who support each other.  Is it ONLY in North Dakota where you find this?  No, but I feel like it's easier to do here because people take time to get to know each other. 

Point in case, my brother and his family are going through some tough times right now.  My nephew, who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in the spring of 1987 at just a few months old, has now reached that point where he is on the double lung transplant list.  Tough thing to get your head around as a family member, but my job as aunt and sister is to support them, love them and pray.  I got that! 

Their local community, upon finding out the news, jumped into action.  Within hours a fund raiser was planned and people started to work on how they can support my nephew on his path.  And not just that one community, but the surrounding communities have also become involved in helping with this event. 

My sister-in-law has used the word "humbling" and it really is that, but it's also how people were and are raised here.  Someone gets hurt in a farming accident, the neighbors get together to bring the crop in.  Someone loses their home in a fire, the community shows up to bring what they need to get them safely into their next home and on with their lives.  A family loses their barn and the community shows up on a Sunday afternoon to build a new one. 

How do I know all these things?  Because each of them either happened to me or someone in my family and the community came together to help in all of the situations.  So, while I keep going, I am also glad to be able to keep coming home to this place I call home and my community of communities that make it all worthwhile. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Come Fly With Me

Remember, I fell into this crazy world of Travel.  It was never my life long aspiration or dream.  I had never flown until I was adult and working in my first real job.  Growing up as the youngest of seven in small town North Dakota, we didn't think about travelling the globe.  Now, it's easy and within the span of three week, myself, my son and my nephew will have been or will be in in 7 different countries.  Times have certainly changed. 

Something else is changing and I would like to make sure everyone is watching this space.  Distribution, NDC and Next Generation Store Front are the new hot topics in our industry.  I have said this before, but I feel like we are back in the late 1800's to early 1900's with the Wright brothers.  Sure, this isn't about putting a plane together and shooting someone across the sky, but this will change how products are on the shelf, heck, it's gonna change the shelf itself! 

When the NDC conversations started years ago, I was absolutely against the initiative.  Through learning and education, I have found myself on the side of innovation, technology and service.  Was it overnight?  NO!  Was it easy to understand?  Not really.  Was it worth the time I spent in trying to understand all the sides?  For sure! 

There are a number of opportunities coming up to learn about all of these and I would invite you to take part in any of them.  Additionally, I am always happy to talk to anyone about why I changed my mind and why I am an advocate of this much needed step in our industry.  You are welcome to comment on this post if you want to set up a time to chat. 

It's not all sunshine and roses, but when I think about people in our business staying relevant and focusing on our traveler experience, these are the solutions that will keep us going. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Little House on the Prairie

So, most people know I work from home.  Most also know that I have three teenagers in my house who are all home from college/school for the summer.  Inevitably, at some point in the day, I leave my office to find one or two of them sitting in the living room watching some stupid show on TV.  I have to say, "the crap they put on daytime TV is crazy!" 

I recently started recording reruns of Little House on the Prairie.  Yep, Ma, Pa, Mary, Half Pint, Kari and just a few weeks ago, Grace was born.  I am eagerly waiting on Albert to be adopted and Almonso to come along, but in the meantime, I enjoy having that on in evening while I am doing things around the house.  Then, if I find a tidbit of wisdom, I make the kids sit down and watch it with me! 

My kids think I am weird because one minute I have Little House playing and the next minute, I am eagerly awaiting the Big Little Lies season 2.  I guess it speaks to diversity of the TV I grew up with and what is out there today.  Ah, how times have changed.  If you get the chance to watch an episode or two of Little House, I think it's worth the hour and I hope that you find yourself being nostalgic like me.  Now if I could just the kids to watch it...wish me luck.....Keep going.