Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Rita Visser

In less than a week, I will stand on stage in front of my peers in the industry and ask for their vote to represent them on the Global Business Travel Association Board of Directors.  In doing that, I think there are few things you should know about me that may help you make the decision.

1 - My family means the world to me.  What does that have to do anything we are talking about?  NOTHING, but I wanted it clear who comes first. 
2 - I work for Oracle and am blessed to have been with the company for 15 years (25 if you count the years I was with them on the agency side).  I have held a number of roles within the organization and I have an amazing team of people I get to work with everyday. 
3 - I LOVE this industry.  I love that in one minute I am talking about the new aircraft coming up, next I am talking about how connected cars are the future, then I move into a conversation on how online booking tools are evolving to meet the needs of travelers and end on how hotel inventory challenges in a certain city will impact the company!  That's all in one day!  Having been in this industry for 25 years....did I just type that?...I like to think I know something about almost everything but still have so much to learn. 
4 - I never start a project I can't finish.  Which is why I decided to run again.  There is work to be completed and I want to see initiatives through to completion. 
5 - I am a strategist.  I am the person in the room asking the, "then what?" question.  If people don't have an answer for the "then what?", I love working with them to create the "then what."  I enjoy thinking beyond what is now and I believe that will serve well on the Board of Directors.  GBTA is evolving and I can see the "then what" and want to work to get the association, the industry and most importantly, my peers to that place. 

I hope this has helped you to know more about me, convinced you to #VoteforVisser and that you are inclined to wear the ribbon below and support my journey.  If you have questions or would like to chat about anything, I am always available, so please reach out.  In the meantime, as always, I keep going. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Convention Must See/Do List

GBTA Convention is less than 20 days away.  Everyone is working on their meeting schedules and social agenda.  I thought I would share my list of top 10 things to see and do this year during convention in order of when they are happening.  I hope you find this helpful! 


10 – WINiT – Saturday - This is will be the first WINiT Summit since the GBTA/WINiT acquisition and this one is one NOT to miss.  Amazing speakers on relevant topics like leadership, sales skills and brand building. 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

9 – GBTA 5k Run/Walk – Sunday - With American Airlines, the walk will bring awareness to the issue of human trafficking.  Enjoy a Sunday morning stroll in the Windy City. 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

8 – Sunday education sessions and Peer to Peer sessions.  With longer education sessions, these really get into the “how to” of many of the things going on in the industry.  Don’t miss out! 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

7 – Education, Education, Education – With over 150 Education sessions, there is something for everyone. 

6 – Annual business meeting – Monday – There are many contested races this year and that will be your time to hear from the candidates who will help shape the future of GBTA.  I will be there and would appreciate your vote! 

5 – Hometown CEO Panel – Monday  - Some great CEO’s taking the stage. 

4 – Did someone say NDC?  There will be MANY education sessions on the topic and even a Center Stage discussion on the matter!  You won’t want to miss that one. 

3 – Arena Stage – Each Day - Some exciting announcements coming this year that you don’t want to miss! Speakers like Bob Costa, Andy Cohen and Ashley Judd will all have relevance to our industry, but you have to show up to see what they have to say!

2 – Trade show – Each Day - With an expansive trade show floor in Chicago, you will be able to meet with the newest and most innovative suppliers in the industry.  Wear good walking shoes because you won’t want to miss seeing any of them! 

  • Meeting with Suppliers

1 – Networking – DAY and NIGHT, Start to finish - This is THE place where I find myself having many 5 minute conversations that form my thoughts, ideas and plans for the future!  Where else can you get that? 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


When people think of Independence Day in the US, they think fireworks, grilling out and a cold beer.  I know every country has their own way to celebrate their respective Independence Day and that is amazing.  However, I want to call to mind not HOW we celebrate, but WHAT we celebrate. 


Independence equals freedom and it means different things to different people.  For a Veteran, it’s the freedom for which they fought.  For a person with a diseases, it’s a few minutes out of the hospital and free from the watchful eye of the nurses.  For a teenager, it’s a trip away from their parents where they finally feel free.  For a person with an addiction, it’s freedom from that monster that is tearing them and their family apart. 


I think we are all looking for independence/freedom from something and  we should look for those and celebrate those whenever we find them.  As we embark on the Independence holiday, I want to wish everyone the freedom they are looking for and when you find it, share it, celebrate it and keep going!