Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Data Junkies Unite!

If that were the subject line of a party invite, I would be all over that!  There is where I join a support group and in the beginning I say, "Hi, my name is Rita and I am a data junkie!"

I just found myself manipulating, changing, formatting, reformatting a document and what is so great about data is all the information that pours off the page when I do those things.  The data file, as sent to me, is HUGE and RAW!  If someone were to look at it and try, just by looking at the info, to make sense of it their head would explode.

By looking at this raw data, in 10 minutes, I was able to see where our challenge countries are for some of our KPI's.  I was able to see ATP increases and decreases in some of our larger markets.  I was able to see a market that has never been a focus market in the past.  I was able to understand buying patterns of our employees in a foreign country.  I was able to see what cities we are challenged with from a hotel rate increase perspective.

As a data junkie, you also have to be able to read into the data to infer certain things.  That doesn't fall off the page at you, but it comes with experience and knowledge.  One piece of data is a sentence.  Two, three, four pieces of data becomes a conversation and I love seeing where those conversations go! 

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." is a quote from writer/philosopher Aldous Huxley.  Truer words were never spoken...  You can ignore facts all day, but that doesn't stop them from being out there.  I'm gonna check my inbox for party invite and even after it arrives, I will keep going. 

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