Tuesday, March 1, 2016

An Award Show Worth Watching

I have seen photos, tweets, posts, articles and chats about the Oscars and I am proud to say, I didn’t watch a second of the show.  Not because of the racial controversy, but because honestly…who cares!?!    The award those Hollywood folks deserve, they have already been given; people’s time to watch their production and their hard earned money.

Now, if there was an award show called, the Global Human Awards Show, I’d probably watch that!  Imagine if awards were given to people who deserve them!?  For instance:

- The middle school teacher who spends countless hours to ensure their students are learning and cares more about the person than a grade.
- The police officer who died in the line of duty to help protect me and my family from people set to do harm.
- The lawyers and judges who see to it that the person, who has malice in their heart and actions, pays for them.
- The doctor who yesterday delivered bad news to a family that the cancer was back and today, got to tell a different family their loved one was cancer-free. 
- The pilot who landed a plane on a river and saved the lives of every person on board. 

Some might tell me that all these people are doing their jobs.  When was the last time you put on Versace gown and Harry Winston jewels to go in for a parent/teacher conference and say thank you to a teacher for doing their job?!  Why, when TV, movies, music or productions are involved, do we think we need to “put on the dog” and make a big deal out it?! 

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good Sheldon Cooper moment as much as the next BBT fan, but I don’t think Jim Parsons should get an award for entertaining me, that’s his job! 

The viewership of these awards show is going down and for good reason!  People are starting to realize that this crap doesn’t matter.  Let’s start giving awards or appreciation for the people who really make a difference every day…or at least, stop paying attention to these shows in hope that they simply go away and not keep going. 

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