Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It's a seat....

How many times are you asked to changes seats so someone can sit together?  On an hour and forty minute flight last week, I was asked this three times and yes, all on the same flight!!!  First, let me remind people (or possibly tell people who don’t know me) that I am 6’2”.  I am very selective about my seats.  I very much enjoy exit row aisles and at times, on the right plane, bulkhead.  Keep in mind, that I have earned the status to select these seats as well.   Lastly, the only time you will see me “opt” for the window is when I am travelling with my husband who is at least 4 inches taller than me and enjoys the aisle as well. 

So, to be asked three times to give up my exit row seat, seems like a huge ask.  First reason, the girlfriend wanted to sit by the boyfriend.  Declined.  Second reason, the woman next the requester had a dog and they were looking for anyone to change seats.  Declined, however, I did feel for this guy because I have allergies as well and that’s a pain!  Third request, the guy just had knee surgery and would appreciate the extra space.  (Hello…its emergency exit…I don’t want someone with a brace in those seats!)  Declined. 

Trust, there are situations in which I will trade seats, but it would have to be pretty compelling.  I wonder how much of this is caused by the airlines not giving out seats readily and people are having to deal with all this “stuff” at the airport or worse, while on the plane.  Either way, I like my seat, that’s why I chose it!  So, while happily sitting in my exit row aisle, I will keep going! 

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