Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How can walking through an airport save a life?

I used to walk through a busy airport or crowded hotel lobby with haste and wishing everyone would just get out of my way.  In the past year or so, my walk through the airport or hotel lobby has changed.  Heck, my walk through the local grocery store has changed.  Why, because I am aware of a sad and sickening problem we are all living with, human trafficking. 

People are being moved in cars, trains, hotels and stores.  People are being bought and sold for enslavement, sex and exploitation.  Children, teens and young adults are being taken from their families under the guise of a better life only to become a statistic.  These victims are directed what to say and to whom they can engage in conversation.  Their actions and words are controlled. 

Have you seen them?   Maybe it was the teenage girl on the plane last week who couldn’t look anyone in the eye and was blindly following the young man in front of her.  Maybe it was the 20 year old male who wasn’t allowed to go into the bathroom in the hotel lobby by himself.  Maybe it was the 8 year old boy who was in the car, by himself, at the grocery store who looked deep in your eyes and that made your stomach turn. 

How would you know?  You can never REALLY know because its more than a gut feeling.  But without paying attention, you will certainly never know. 

What should you do?  Report it!  Talk to airport security, talk to hotel manager on duty, stop and ask the boy if he is okay or call the police so they can make sure he is okay.  Even if in the end, its not an issue, if it was your child, your niece, your friend, wouldn’t you want someone to at least try? 

My call to action today is to everyone, whether you live in Olga ND or Shanghai China, pay attention.  Look at what’s happening around you.  As a traveler or even broader, as a citizen of this universe, we are called to take action to protect each other.  Don’t be in such a hurry to live your own life that you don’t help to save the one next to you.  Be diligent and keep going! 

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