Tuesday, July 2, 2019


When people think of Independence Day in the US, they think fireworks, grilling out and a cold beer.  I know every country has their own way to celebrate their respective Independence Day and that is amazing.  However, I want to call to mind not HOW we celebrate, but WHAT we celebrate. 


Independence equals freedom and it means different things to different people.  For a Veteran, it’s the freedom for which they fought.  For a person with a diseases, it’s a few minutes out of the hospital and free from the watchful eye of the nurses.  For a teenager, it’s a trip away from their parents where they finally feel free.  For a person with an addiction, it’s freedom from that monster that is tearing them and their family apart. 


I think we are all looking for independence/freedom from something and  we should look for those and celebrate those whenever we find them.  As we embark on the Independence holiday, I want to wish everyone the freedom they are looking for and when you find it, share it, celebrate it and keep going! 

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