Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Back to School for All

As my kids head back to school (and my oldest to college…sniff sniff) I find myself telling them learning never ends when they leave school and doesn’t start again simply because they are in a classroom.  Made me think about all our learning opportunities that we may not take advantage of and is making me think I should practice what I preach.


Just today, in my multiple inboxes, I have the following learning opportunities:

  • Meet with a financial advisor for some investing tips
  • Invite to an education event for the industry
  • Reminder about the leadership training classes available internally
  • Chance to meet with school officials to chat about the upcoming year
  • Technical training opportunities
  • Invite to wellness event with classes available


Then I ask myself, how much time can I devote to my learning and still be a mom, a wife, an employee, a VP, a sports fan, a volunteer and a person.  Based on the list above, I counted and I could have 43 hours of training (that isn’t including time away or getting to any of these event….it’s JUST the events) in the list above and that is only in emails I received TODAY! 

Now that is totally unrealistic.  I want to be a mom, a wife, an employee, etc....so how do I tackle this?  I can't be the only one trying to juggle this.  So, I have made a personal promise to myself to learn something each week, or try to learn something each week.  (Let’s be honest, some things may take more than a week to learn.)  It doesn’t have to be anything new, maybe its something I know, but a different look at that issue.  Maybe its something VERY new…I don’t know, but I have to learn something each week.  I encourage all if you to do the same, keep learning, keep growing and keep going. 

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