Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Roller Coaster

T'is the season of the emotional roller coaster. 

I think of a friend who very recently lost the love of her life to cancer.  He fought for years and in the end, she was strong enough to ask for peace for him because she knew he deserved that.  She is feeling lonely, hopeless, hopeful, and hopefully loved.

I think of the children filled with hope and wonder, who sit on Santa's lap to share their dreams of the season.  They are scared, giddy, excited and just a little bit cautious. 

I think of the families gathering together to spend time with each other.  Some of the family members are excited while some are just trying to endure it.  

I also think of those who don't have a place to call home.  Those who see Santa as only a mystical creature who doesn't visit them, much less gives them presents.  I think of the people who have a home, but no one to share it with. 

My emotions have and will continue the roller coaster ride.  I love the Christmas season because I believe in the spirit of hope and love.  I enjoy spending time with family and friends.  I shed tears for those no longer able to celebrate with us.  Hosting a handful of people, I will feel exhausted, accomplished, happy, sad, manic and relaxed...and sometimes all in the span of a few hours. In the end, I will feel blessed and I wish the same for all!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and here's to a blessed 2016! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What Do You Want To Be?

Last week, I attended the Business Travel News Hall of Fame event where someone I consider a friend and mentor was honored and inducted to the Business Travel Hall of Fame.  Congratulations to Mary Bastrentaz for that much deserved honor!  I am proud to say I know you! 

It got me thinking, "What do I want to be when I grow up?"  It also got me thinking, "What does everyone else in this crazy industry aspire to be?"

Personally, I want to be able to leave the industry the same way I got into it, bright eyed and excited about what the industry is becoming.  This isn't a butterfly and gum-drop dream, I really do think the industry is on the verge of making some big steps in the way of technology, service and utilization so that is exciting to me.  Is there a chance that I could leave the industry because it got boring and stale?  Possibly, but based on what I am seeing, not likely.  So, only time will tell, but I estimate being here for years to come. 

I think suppliers aspire to be the best version of themselves.  For instance in hotels, Comfort Inn will never be a Four Seasons, but can they improve and give their guests a great experience, of course!  The IHG/Kimpton merger and the Marriott/Starwood merger is a play to make themselves the better version of themselves.  They want to bring the best of the other brand to add to their success. 

For airlines, Delta has just won their 5th consecutive award for excellence (their one for the thumb moment!)  Great job Delta...but they are not done.  They want to be the best version of themselves and will continue to fight to keep that string alive.  United recently came out and said they want to give their tried and true corporate customers their best and as a result, are putting money where their mouth is!  Not just when it's blue skies and birds chirping, but they want to give their best when it's hard to do that.  Great job United...again, not trying to be someone else, just the best version of themselves! 

I think when I grow up, when I am forced to grow up, I will be Rita Visser!  Might as well as long as she keeps going! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

When Things Don't Go Well

Last night, I was online trying to complete a Shutterfly order.  I tried everything I could think of, but each time I would get to that purchase page, my system would lock up.  Finally, I went to Twitter to find that I was not the only one and the folks at Shutterfly knew what was going on and were working to fix it.

I thought about 10 years ago when things didn't go right.  People were on the phone, calling someone, anyone that could help.  Undoubtedly they would hold for a while, sometimes hours to hear the same thing 100 people in front of them heard, "There are issues and we are working on them.  Please try back later."

Instead of banging my head for hours, I went to Twitter.  Instead of sitting on hold for who knows how long, I went to a resources that can have updates every second.

Two weeks ago, I had a less than perfect experience at a hotel and, following my own advice, I took the post trip survey.  Within a day, the hotel had reviewed my post trip comments, acted on my comments and reached out to me about resolution.

This proves a few things to me:
1 - The marketplace is listening and they know when things aren't going well.  
2 - Companies are reactive, but at lightning speed. 
3 - Having a place to go, that in an instant tells me what I should do, or what I can expect as a resolution is not only nice, but necessary.
4 - Companies who ask me to leave a message and they will get back to me will be a thing of the past, very shortly.  

Of course we want the issues to never happen, but when they do, recovery is huge! The companies who acknowledge the issues, tell their customers they hear them and really do something about it are winners.  The biggest winners are the customers.  I am not suggesting that every company needs a Twitter page because this isn't a Twitter promo blog.  I, however, am suggesting that companies need to find a way to get feedback from their customers and a way to react to that feedback quickly, so they, like me, can keep going! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Raise Your Hand If Your Kids Are Perfect!

Last night I came home from a few days away on business and was getting the weekly rundown from the family.  School was good, sports were good, the day off for Veteran’s Day was good…all in all, a good week!  GREAT, love to hear that.  Then my daughter asked if I heard about all the “stuff” with the football team?  Nope…what did I miss?

Apparently, and this might come as a shock to some, but kids were being kids!  What is probably more shocking, kids who go to a private school, were being kids!  I know, its mesmerizing! 

Since when is a kid who goes to a private school supposed to be a better person than one in public school?  Let’s remember, they are kids!  The SCHOOL upholds faith and charity as their tenants, but they don’t, for one second, think their kids are better than anyone else’s. Just like a public school, they have their code of conduct and don’t share publicly, how that is upheld within the school walls.  Public school and private schools alike are trying to raise students who are not only smart academically, but also good people who will do good things in their lives.  

Anyone who thinks kids who go to private schools don’t have to deal with things like bullying, drugs, sexual pressure and social media crap are clueless!!  Anyone who thinks all these kids are rich, spoiled brats are also clueless!  Anyone who thinks that we as parents think our children are perfect, you guessed it, clueless! 

News brief, they are kids…they are dealing with the same things the kids in public and private schools all over the state and nation are dealing with.  Trust, if there was a magical place where we could send our kids and we could be guaranteed none of them would ever make a mistake, I think we would all do whatever we can to send them there.  Heck, I would go there!  Another news brief, that place does not exist here on earth! 

We send our kids to private school for a few reason, but I am going to be honest, the first reason is because of class size.  WE teach our kids our faith at home and if the school happens to help us, wonderful!  I love that they get that there, but it’s not the school’s job to own that.  My kids will never be perfect…because they are kids.  Your children will never be perfect, because they are kids. 

I won’t take a stand on who was right and wrong in this issue of social media back and forth.  Both sides went too far and I think they all realize that now.  I will, however, not take it lightly when people are saying that because our kids pray in school, they wear their faith on a sleeve (helmet, jersey, t-shirt) that they should be held to a higher standard.  As it says in John 8:7, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…” 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Did I Miss Something?

I will be the first to admit, I am getting older and I guess, thankfully, we all are!  However, I think I may have missed something and I might chalk it up to my age. 

Saturday night, I went to bed with visions of ghost and goblins running through neighborhoods and Sunday morning, All Saints Day by the way, I wake up to find November has been removed from the calendar, it is all of a sudden, Christmas. 

Imagine a calendar year without All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Veteran's Day, Opening Day (all the hunters will know what that is!), Thanksgiving Day and Boxing Day (for my Canadian friends).  How did we magically, overnight, move into Christmas? 

Have retailers taken it upon themselves to remove the monthly entirely?  Have they been given the authority to dust these other very important days aside in order to start selling, selling, selling? 

In my house, we do celebrate All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Veterans Day, Opening Day and Thanksgiving.  We look forward to Christmas, but it starts the first Sunday of Advent.  Trust, I have started shopping, but it's because I shop all year round.  If I find something that is perfect for someone, I get it....that doesn't means Christmas has started...it means I am a planner. 

My family is holding tight to the page of the calendar and NOT letting it go into the trash.  We will treasure the days of November and ask that you do the same.  While still going, we are also trying to slow things down! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Heading Into Year Three

This week, I went into my last of a three year term on the GBTA Board of Directors meeting.  What an interesting two years it has been.  We have been challenged, we have pushed and we have been separated and we have been together. 

What will the next few months bring?  Only time will tell.  I think the current board make up is interesting to say the least.  We have a new President who has asked all the right questions and is being resolute in her discussions.  We have a tried and true Chairwoman who is both supporting and strong.  We have a new Vice President who is motivated.  We have four new board members who are engaged.  We have two board members from Best Western Hotels.  We have an ALC President with years of experience.  Like I said, interesting. 

So, with countdown clock underway, here's to the third year. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


In October, I thought this was fitting!

In honor of everyone who has fought and lost, fought and won or still battling, this is for you:

Stupid Cancer!
Cancer Sucks!
The Battle is Worth It! 
Your Strength Amazes me!! 
In honor of everyone who has stood next to someone with cancer and helped them battle this horrific disease:

You Are Appreciated!
It is Noticed!
Your Love is Evident!

Pray for a cure to cancer! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Are Travel Policies Effective?

I have been chatting with peers lately about this topic.  I have heard things like;
"It's totally effective because its part of our company DNA."
"I don't know if my travelers even know there is one."
"It's more of a guideline than a policy."
"There are policies for everything in our company, so we have to have one and I think I do a good job of keeping ours updated." 

When programs look to make changes to travel, their first instinct is to look at travel policy.  When people look to create a travel program, they start by creating a travel policy.  So, when and how did this question about its effectiveness come bubbling up? 

Let's look at a policy...per one of my friend's quote above, it's a guideline that says what I can, cannot, should and maybe even should not do when I am expensing travel to the company I work for.  It's a protection measure for the employee to tell them what's appropriate.  It's also a protection measure for said employee because they know what could lead to their demise within the company.  It's a document that everyone from HR and Legal can use when needed to ensure someone is not defrauding the company.  It's also a document that managers can use to help to manage their travel budgets. 

All of those are good things! 

A policy, however, does become ineffective when it's never looked at, by ANYONE.  If people don't know it exists, if people never look at it to make updates, if people never look to it to help guide their budget and planning....then it certainly has become ineffective. 

That, my friends, is not good. 

So, whether your policy is one page or 60, bring it back to life.  Review it, clean it up, and make sure people know about it.  What measures can you take to help people internally understand the importance of the document and how it can help them?  If it's not being used, then blow it up and start all over.  I consider policy the playbook.  If we don't all know the plays that will make us successful, we probably won't have a winning season.  And while life is not always about winning or losing, I prefer to win...and keep going. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

We Are a Mobile Society

The top four news stories this morning were:
1 - Flooding in South Carolina. 
2 - The El Faro cargo ship search.
3 - American Airlines pilot who died during flight.
4 - Amtrak derailment in Vermont. 

Did you notice that all of these have to do with the ability to move people and/or goods from place to place?

Flooding - Homes were lost and roads washed away. 
Cargo ship - While moving a cargo ship of goods and services, it seems as if this vessel has been lost at sea. 
American Airlines pilot - The co-pilot stepped in and with poise and professionalism, landed the plane safely.
Amtrak derailment - Train carrying passengers from Vermont to DC goes off the track with thankfully, no one losing their life. 

Being able to get from place to place is key in this society.  We can and do move millions of people and goods everyday on roads, tracks, in the air and on the sea.  The physical size of our planet hasn't changed, but our ability to transit the globe has changed and when that ability is compromised, it's news worthy.  I ask you to think about an industry that doesn't rely on mobility.  I can't think of one. 

It makes my theme of keep going so relevant.  The people in South Carolina will pick themselves up; clean up their homes and roads.  The shipping industry will not waiver in its mission because of one incident.  Millions of passengers will take to the skies today knowing that they are in good hands.  Amtrak will be back on track today, moving people from place to place.  Like me, people will keep going because that's what we do. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why Do Women Do This?

Sisters, I gotta go there...  We have to STOP being bitches to each other.  The other day, while at an airport, I saw three examples of this behavior and it drives me crazy!  Keep in mind, these all happened within 45 minutes.  

1- Two women in the airport bathroom were traveling together.  They were chatting up a storm while they washed their hands and fixed their hair.  A woman with three small kids came into the bathroom, and she started changing a diaper at the changing station.  The two travel companions looked at each other, one rolled her eyes and as they were leaving one said, " Poor thing looks like she could use some help."

2- I was in a long slow Starbucks line  and therefore, struck up conversation with a man in line.  We chatted about our delays and our need for something to drink.  The man then motioned to, what I assume was his wife, about their order.  She walked over toward us and I greeted her with a smile and "Good morning!" to which, she grunted and gnarled something to the man and walked away.  Let me get this outta the way, I was NOT trying to pick up her man!  

3 - A female flight attendant smiled and joked with people who were boarding.  She saw a middle aged woman, smiled and complimented her nail polish.  Two passengers later, she cut-off, without apology or smile, a young attractive woman, well put together and obviously headed out for a business trip.  She went back to joking and smiling after the young woman passed.

Does the flight attendant know she even did that?  Is it second nature to only be nice to people we don't see as competition?  If you thought the mom needed help, why not offer her some? Is it easier to pass judgement and pity than to offer support and a helping hand?  Had I started up a conversation with that woman instead of her man, would it have been more socially acceptable?  

Men don't treat each other this way.  Sure, most of time, they are less engaged so are less likely for these things to matter, but men help each other and even if they DONT help each other, they certainly don't pass judgement as easily as women.  Now, I know that might sound like a generalization and I normally don't do that, but I had to call this one out.  

So, while out there, being a part of the human race, let's vow to stop our wicked ways and try to view everyone through the same lens, no matter their look, their situation or their intent.   Oh yeah, and keep going! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

And The Winner Is.....

First of all, if you think I know who won the GBTA elections from last week, you are wrong!  Second, if you think I paid attention to the Emmy's, you are wrong there too.  I was busy tearing out a bathroom vanity that night which made my husband come home and say, "WTH?"    

I am talking about who is going to win in this era of airlines throwing down the gauntlet on customer service.  Delta, owning that space for a long time now, has basically said to United and American....BRING IT!  They are so confident that both of these carriers will not catch, much less surpass them in the area of customer service that they put their money where their mouth is.  If United AND American both surpass Delta's numbers, they will make a payout to corporate customers who are performing.

Back to the title about the winner....the Customer, for once, should be the winner here!  United and American aspiring to be the better versions of themselves will help the customer.  If they improve their customer satisfaction, on time arrival, bag handling, yadda yadda yadda, the customer wins.

For someone who wants all suppliers to understand the importance of the customer, this is like the Superbowl and America's Cup Racing tied in a bow.  I will be watching this space closely to see how it plays out.  I think as American and United make gains, Delta will keep pushing the envelope.  Again, customer wins!

Congrats to Delta for pounding their chest on this and for setting the bar high.  As a traveler and corporate customer, I applaud you and ask you to keep going! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, The Polls Are Now Open!

Starting this morning, all GBTA members will have the opportunity to cast their ballot.  On the ballot, there are three contested races.  They are, noted in alphabetical order:
1 – Vice President of GBTA – Jeremy Gardner and Mark Ziegler
2 – Allied members will vote for one of three candidates for GBTA Board Member – Billy Boss, Kelly Christner and Dick Nabors
3 – To pass or not to pass the bylaw amendments.  – Yes or No

There is also two uncontested races.  They are:
1 – President GBTA – Christle Johnson
2 – Direct Member at Large – Cindy Shumate, Bhart Sarin and Karin Thompson

You have 10 days to cast your vote.  10 days to let your voice be heard.  10 days to help shape the direction of GBTA.  Each of the elected officials will speak with your voice within the Board Room.  Like I tell everyone about any election, if you don’t vote, don’t complain!  If you complain long enough, you just might run…like I did! 

If you are GBTA member and you did not receive your voting information, please call Election Services Corporation at 1-866-720-4357 between 9a-5p eastern.  You can also send an email to GBTAhelp@electionservicescorp.com.  

With one year left of my term, I keep going and looking forward to welcoming the new members of the board to be with me! If you did not receive you ballot, please contact

PS - Not that anyone has asked, and probably no one cares, but in the contested races, I will be voting for Mark Ziegler and yes on the by-laws.  (Note, I cannot vote in the allied election, so best of luck to all three.) 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Watching Lufthansa

On the heels of Lufthansa's implementation of a 16 Euro fee to all tickets issued on LH Family ticket stock, this weekend, their pilots announce a strike on long haul flights.  Then, today, in their ongoing quest to be the world's top airline, they cancel numerous short to medium haul flights this week.  Over 100 flights cancelled in just a few days. 

In a survey recently posted, already over 50% of travel buyers in the US are looking to change how they are doing business with the Lufthansa family...then, this!? 

I get it that Germany has different rules around employment, unions and bankruptcy.  What I don't get is how pilots think they can impact people's ability to do business time and time again and still people will chose them!?! 

Someone tell me how this 16 Euro fee is going to make up for all these cancelled flights! Someone tell me how 100+ cancelled flights make the airline reliable, profitable and the airline of choice of people in the region!  Someone tell me how this timing (many Europeans coming back from holiday) could have been worse! 

I have friends who work there and I know they are shaking their heads over this.  They are coming back from a vacation to this...crap!  What will it take to fix their financial issues?  With many already saying they are selling away from them, I, like the rest of the industry will watch how this will impact them moving forward, or not.  Should I say, their ability to keep going, or not....

Friday, September 4, 2015

Cold Call Email Etiquette

 Last week I received an email that said, “Hello Mr. Turner.”  I had to look to ensure it was meant for me and yes, it was!  It was sent to my email address and not in BCC fashion.  

In this world of automated cold calls and auto email distribution lists, I get that this happens, but the impact can be treacherous for the person sending the note and the company that they represent. I get it that most of the time, these are being sent by an automated tool, but what happened to being diligent and testing these tools?

I didn't reply to this email because it wasn't addressed to me.  I also looked at the company website and made a mental note about it for the future when we are looking for suppliers in that field so I can make sure they are not involved. 

So, when you are out cold calling, make sure your tools and products are doing what you ask them to do, create a positive experience for the recipient that it leaves them wanting to know more about you and your company, as opposed to getting put on a list of another sort.  

Keep going folks, its worth it!