Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resolutions and weather

It's that time of year when people resolve to do things like lose weight, eat better, focus on family, have a cleaner desk/home, you name it, they have all been mentioned.  My resolution, to blog more frequently.  Not because people are clamoring for what I have to say, but because its a good release of thoughts and even if no one reads it, it makes me feel better. 

It's January in Fargo and that means everyone is talking about weather and cold.  Well, it IS January and it IS Fargo, so yes, it IS COLD!  People have asked why I live here and how I live here.  It's simple, family, friends and common sense allows me to survive winters and enjoy where I live.  Just a bit if advice for those people who are enduring their own cold snaps now.

1 - No matter how it looks, wear a hat.  Sure, I walk into a store and my hair is a mess, so sometimes I choose to leave it on, but trust, it's worth it. 
2 - Where you live, the snow will probably melt within a few days.  Its heavy, so don't get hurt trying to move it out of the way.  Give it a day or so and it will be gone.  (For us, it's here to stay for a few months, so a heavy duty riding snow blower is a must as well as well appointed shovel...lift with your legs people!) 
3 - Enjoy it!  Drink hot chocolate with marshmallows with your kids.  Make a batch of cookies and snuggle up around the fireplace or board game or a card game.  I learned to play many different card games in the winter and my kids are doing the same. 
4 - Think of others who aren't warm and cozy.  Buy an extra pair of gloves and give them to someone who needs them.  Buy an extra coffee and share with someone who needs a good warm up. 
5 - Know this temporary.  For my friends reading this in the Midwest, its only 163 days until summer.  Spring will be here before we know it and we will have survived another winter.  In the meantime, I am taking a few trips to ease my pain.  If you can't do that, refer to number 3 above! 

Thanks for listening and for the many notes from people all over "checking on me" to make sure I am surviving the cold.  I am!  We are and we will...

Keep going! 

1 comment:

  1. Rita, I didn't know you were a blogger! I enjoyed reading your posts and about your career. I'd enjoy seeing pictures and hearing stories of your travel too!

    Keep blogging and stay warm!

    Your SIL,

