Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Drivers License Day

Today, my oldest daughter passed her behind the wheel test, alas, she is an official driver.  On the way home from her test, I told I would be driving because she needed to listen.  I told her:

1 - The license does not mean freedom, it means responsibility.  It means she is now responsible for herself, anyone in the car and the people on the road with her.
2 - Even the best drivers in the world are only as good as the people on the road with them.  You have to be on guard all the time and understand what's going on around you. 
3 - Independence is earned and can be taken away as quickly as it's given. 
4 - We all have heard a story about an inexperienced driver, who, through no fault of their own, was involved in an accident and something tragic happened.  Accidents happen...

I wrote this blog for a couple of reasons.  I wanted to make sure I tell my other two kids the exact same things when we drive away from the DMV in the years to come!  Also driving is a privilege that I myself take for granted.  This post is a reminder to me of all the things I do, day in and day out, because I earned them. 

Time to call the insurance guy and knowing that I am making his day more profitable, I keep going! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Penny For Your Thoughts

That old saying is never more true than nowadays.  I bet I get a survey a day in my personal inbox asking me to rate my last experience.  Looking at my person email now, there is one from United, Hilton, Hertz, Massage Envy and Starbucks and those are just in the last week.  And guess what, I took every single one of them! 

Why, you might ask?!  Not simply because they asked, but because everyone is gauging customer experience right now.  Companies know that they can win and lose a customer with one experience.  If people ONLY take the survey when things go wrong, how can companies know what is happening that is right?  All of these surveys were answered in a positive manner because I had a positive experience for each.  Was everything perfect for each, no…but I gave feedback on that as well.  Does Hertz in Fargo know that the return process is not well marked or understood?  If they didn’t hear it before, they heard it now.  But, if me, or someone else, didn’t take the time to them that, would they ever know?  Would it ever change?  Would people who rented from Hertz this time think that another option is better next time?

I also like to think that ideation starts with a spark.  In a recent survey of our travelers, we heard things that made us think differently about our internal customers and what they deal with everyday…and that’s awesome.  I love the idea of people sharing their thoughts and ideas with the companies or products that they use frequently.  Use the open spaces and share with them what you want to see. 

Gotta run because I just got another survey to complete.  So if I can impart anything, take the survey and keep going! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

One Remaining??

I read this story yesterday and it frustrated me to no end, so I thought, why not share it!  That is what blogs are for...right?

In short, its about a company who hires people to work manual labor on an assembly line, pays them well, gives them advancement opportunities and does a nice job of employee recognition.  In a year, they have hired 280 workers and today, only 1 is still there.  The story infers that people born between 1978 ad 1997 have little to no work ethic and to make matter worse, this a South Dakota/North Dakota company where people here are KNOWN for their work ethic!

In reading the story, I became embarrassed for what we have created.  Human beings who don't want to show up for work.  People who say yes to a job and then, when they find out it's WORK, they give up.  These are people, born or at least living in the heartland of America who should know better.  Did they think that Trail King was going to be an office job with a water cooler and a fancy breakroom?  Did they not read the job description?? 

I will step up, however, for many people I DO know in that age range and say, it's not all of them.  I have nieces and nephews as well as many friends born in these years who work hard, everyday.  They show up for work, they put in their time (some of it hard labor) and at the end of the day, they go home knowing they will do it all over again tomorrow.  I would love to say its because of their awesome aunt/friend, but instead, its because they grew up knowing that there is always work to be done.  

My kids, like many others, whine through their chores.  (Who cares!)  Maybe they don't want to go to the farm and drive tractor on a nice Saturday because their friends are going to hang out.  (Tough!) When they are frustrated with something, they are not allowed to give it up simply because its not fun anymore.  (Suck it up!)

Don't get me wrong, I am not a perfect parent...far from it.  My kids aren't perfect, but they are perfect for me.  I am hoping to turn out human beings who know what hard work is about and the rewards that can come from it.  For parents out there whose children don't have chores, jobs or expectations, I pray for you and your children.  Until something else gets my goat....I'm gonna keep going.