Confession time...I am a Good Morning America fan. Who doesn't love Robin Roberts and just saying George Stephanopoulos' name makes me smile. Last week, not once, but twice, my friends at GMA told me about two near misses at large US airports. How, in the age of GPS and technology, can this still be an issue?
For those of you who read this, but aren't in the industry, NextGen is series of programs that will air travel faster, more efficient, more reliable and last but not least, SAFER!
Faster - With NextGen technology, airports will be able to more effectively manage higher levels of take offs and landings. It will help pilots to fly more direct route without having to connect over radar towers. (We all know the easiest way from point A to point B is a straight line and anyone who thinks airlines have been flying in straight lines for years is wrong.) This program will enhance how airports manage planes on taxi and landing so that 20 minute taxi could be a thing of the past.
Efficient - Airlines will see decreased fuel consumption because NextGen will help them to fly more direct route, thus using less fuel and decreasing the carbon footprint by flight. Additionally, fuel continues to be a highly volatile cost for the airlines and being able to be more efficient will save them money as well as the consumer.
Reliable - How many of you have been stuck in San Fran waiting for the fog to clear or in Chicago waiting for a snow storm to blow over. NextGen will allow for more reliable on-time departures and arrivals because with the technology, it will allow those flights to leave on time because it's not dependent on ideal conditions.
Safer - When my friends at GMA tell me about two reported incidents in a week of planes coming too close to each other, it screams, "We need to fix this!" NextGen can do that for us. It will safely and accurately monitor air-crafts and their comings and goings. No longer will it be the responsibility of a single person with binoculars and a lookout tower. (Okay, it's more advanced than that, but sometimes you wonder.)
Will I stop traveling until NextGen is rolled out across the globe? No. Do I think about NextGen every time I board a plane? No. Do I think about it each time a member of my family does? Yes! We will talk to the folks in DC about it next month and I encourage anyone who cares to do the same when you chat with or email, or send letters to your elected politicians. You can read more about NextGen at Until next time, keep going!
For those of you who read this, but aren't in the industry, NextGen is series of programs that will air travel faster, more efficient, more reliable and last but not least, SAFER!
Faster - With NextGen technology, airports will be able to more effectively manage higher levels of take offs and landings. It will help pilots to fly more direct route without having to connect over radar towers. (We all know the easiest way from point A to point B is a straight line and anyone who thinks airlines have been flying in straight lines for years is wrong.) This program will enhance how airports manage planes on taxi and landing so that 20 minute taxi could be a thing of the past.
Efficient - Airlines will see decreased fuel consumption because NextGen will help them to fly more direct route, thus using less fuel and decreasing the carbon footprint by flight. Additionally, fuel continues to be a highly volatile cost for the airlines and being able to be more efficient will save them money as well as the consumer.
Reliable - How many of you have been stuck in San Fran waiting for the fog to clear or in Chicago waiting for a snow storm to blow over. NextGen will allow for more reliable on-time departures and arrivals because with the technology, it will allow those flights to leave on time because it's not dependent on ideal conditions.
Safer - When my friends at GMA tell me about two reported incidents in a week of planes coming too close to each other, it screams, "We need to fix this!" NextGen can do that for us. It will safely and accurately monitor air-crafts and their comings and goings. No longer will it be the responsibility of a single person with binoculars and a lookout tower. (Okay, it's more advanced than that, but sometimes you wonder.)
Will I stop traveling until NextGen is rolled out across the globe? No. Do I think about NextGen every time I board a plane? No. Do I think about it each time a member of my family does? Yes! We will talk to the folks in DC about it next month and I encourage anyone who cares to do the same when you chat with or email, or send letters to your elected politicians. You can read more about NextGen at Until next time, keep going!