Friday, March 21, 2014

What DO you do?

I know I am not the only one who gets asked this question....What DO you do for a living?  I think I get asked this question at least once every other week.  It's an interesting question because the answer changes daily, but I am okay with that.

My degree, Communications (Broadcast Journalism and PR) was chosen, by me, because I wanted to do something different every day.  I wanted to cover a different story or event everyday.  I never wanted to be stuck doing the same thing day after day.  That's why this travel gig works well for me. 

One minute I might be looking at spend patterns over India and how are best leveraging our contracts.  One minute I might be looking at a hotel on a heat map to understand where is the hotel and do I feel safe suggesting someone stay there.  The next might be working with an internal team who is trying to save money on travel costs/events but can't get their hands around what they should be looking at. The next call I pick up is looking to understand our emissions, tracking of those and how we can effectively report them.  (This is a recap of my last 4 conversations TODAY.)

So, when I am asked what I DO for a living, I try to keep things simple because I know it won't make sense to anyone else who doesn't live in our world.  So, in this crazy world of ours, I simply, keep going. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's out there.

I like to think of myself of a logical person and I also like to think I am not the only logical person, but what am I missing here?

My husband works for a company and is a GPS specialist.  He works with companies to ensure they are using GPS effectively to do things like building roads, highways and bridges.  BUT, his company, like many others, also has a GPS tracking system on his work vehicle.  Why?  Because if something goes wrong, they can find the vehicle.  FedEx, UPS, armored car companies all do it to ensure their products are protected. 

Let's talk money.  My husband's work vehicle is worth about $20K with nothing in it.  A FedEx truck could have millions of dollars of merchandise and precious material.  An armored car, again, could be millions.  An airplane costs millions and can carry millions. 

Let's talk people.  My husband's work vehicle carries precious cargo (him) and maybe 4 more people max.  A FedEx truck, don't know, maybe 2-3.  Armored car, probably about the same.  A plane, anywhere from 2 to 239 to even more people. 

WHY on earth, in an industry that transports millions of PEOPLE, aren't systems like this in place?  We have airlines fighting to have the best in flight entertainment (IFE) services...heck; there is even an award for the best IFE.  How about an award for the airline who can find their own lost planes?  You can't tell me that the technology doesn't exist.  You better not tell me it’s too expensive. Trust me, its out there! 

I pray for those families who are still looking.  I pray for those who are lost.  I pray for change in an industry that touches the world, makes business happen, brings families together and makes everything possible.  In prayer, I simply keep going. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

In like a Lion!

March, that time of year when people can feel, smell and sense spring in the near future.  The time of year when people eat and drink green things that normally aren't green (I don't get that!)  The time of year that basketball fanatics are in their glory. 

For corporate America, March is a time to roar like a Lion!  Think about it...January, people are getting back into the swing of things, some get new goals and new budgets, some are focused on their resolutions to be better at their jobs or to spend more time with family and some may find themselves halfway through a fiscal year trying to sort out what is ahead.  February is a short month filled with storms, prospects and getting your teams and opportunities in line.   

In March, most corporate travelers are not thinking about vacations (we leave that up to the spring breakers) and summer is still far enough off that it's too early to worry about that, so it's time to focus in and buckle down. 

In my old Rosenbluth days, we called it March Madness for a few reasons, many that still hold true today!  Corporate Travelers have their swagger back.  They are back into the swing of their schedules.  They have sales in their pipeline.  They have customers needing them and wanting to buy their wares.  They have new products and solutions to sell.  The wind is at their back and they know this is their month.  This month sets the stage for the next 8 months. 

So, come on in March, come on in and roar like a Lion!  Corporate America and all my peers in Corporate Travel are ready for you!  As for me, who knows what March will bring, but in any case, I, like all of you, will keep going!