Thursday, October 24, 2013

What's for dinner?

Everyone who reads this, knows I am a wife and a mom.  This question is one that runs through my mind daily.  I, however, know my family.  I know what food will be met with rave reviews and what dishes will invoke the inevitable, "Can I just have a bowl of cereal instead?" question.

This question is the one that makes people planning meetings and events crazy.  Again, I KNOW what my family wants and likes.  Planning an event, especially an event involving food for 20, 30, 400, 1000 people...strangers...can be daunting.  Some things to take into consideration include dietary habits (I only eat protein or am a vegan, etc.), dietary allergies (Gluten free, nut free, etc) , religious dietary needs (Kosher, meatless Fridays, etc.) and we haven't even opened the door to talk about people who simply don't like things like fish, steak, salad etc. Then, let's say your event goes on for 2 days, 3 do you meet everyone's needs and not let them feel like they are being starved. 

In my house, if you don't like what is made, you either go hungry or eat enough to get you through to snack time!  (Honestly, I am not a villain, I just think kids should try different things!)  At an event, that means that people who don't like what's being served either go without, or go elsewhere.  Going elsewhere means they will probably be late for the next meeting.  It means not only has their first meal been paid for, but now, their second one needs to be paid for as well.  It means that anything that was said or presented during the meal was not absorbed by them.

If you are thinking this blog post is going to show you a magical way to solve these issues, it won't because if I had that, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this, I would be enjoying my island home with a cocktail in my hand.  I simply want to inspire people to remember that when you are asked the question, "What's for dinner?" you be thankful for a meeting planner who has helped you answer that questions in the past!

Keep going! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

That time of year...

If you know someone who hasn't been getting their required 6 hours of sleep...
If you know someone whose voice is hoarse or cracked because of long hours of calls...
If you know someone whose reaction to everything is, "You gotta be kidding me?"...
If you know someone who swears this year will be different than last...
If you know someone who waits to get their eyes checked until this is over...
If you know someone who has had to see their hair colorist twice in 6 weeks....
If you know someone who still sees a glimmer of hope....

Then you know someone going through the painstaking process of hotel negotiations.  This archaic, painful and necessary process is in full swing this time of year.  Corporations and hotels are sending files, documents, prayers and wishes back and forth in hopes to come up with a middle ground. Corporations hoping to meet travelers needs, keep travelers safe all the while saving the company money on their travel spend.  Hotels hoping to find favor with the corporation, but still make a profit. 

Will this vicious cycle ever end?  Probably not.  Can it change, evolve, morph and become easier?  Yes.  Will the end result still be the same?  Probably. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tax free days??

As we sit in day two of the government shut down, I wonder about some things:
1 - If they aren't working, does this mean we have a tax break until they get back into the swing?  I certainly think that during these times we should be able to take advantage of the savings because the taxes are going to pay for anything.  Can we, as companies, ask for the federal taxes back that we paid on airline tickets, hotels, car rentals back?  (Look for an upcoming post on taxes and fees in travel!)
2 - Does this mean that for two days (and counting) I can work tax free?  How will my tax forms look at the end of the year?  Unchanged, I am sure, but would be nice to get credit for the days I worked when they aren't working!
3 - What about those not working?  Does the US government pay unemployment?  Wait...that is probably another government entity not odd is that??

Anyway, I will get back to work, because its my job and wish that others would do the same because that is what we elected them to do.