Friday, August 23, 2013


Anyone who reads this or knows me, knows I am a sports fan.  I played sports in college, still play today and love to coach.  One of my favorite all-time movies is Hoosiers.  Come on, you remember, Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper and others you would recognize if you saw them.  Its about a coach who was getting his second chance and he was coaching in Indiana...Hickory, to be exact.  A town that lives and breathes basketball and doesn't like a new coach with new ideas! 

There are days I feel like:
Coach Norman Dale - Getting my second shot at life and trying to make things work out this time..both on and off the court. I have new ideas.  I do things my own way at times, but in the end, its for the good of the team. 
Ollie - The kid that never really wanted to play, he was just a body for practice, but when it came down to crunch time, he pulled through with two granny free-throws to win the game.  I won't be the star in every event, but when the chips are down, I fight for good to prevail. 
Shooter - A washed up basketball star, dad of one of the players, who needs a helping hand and someone to believe in him.  I have been in the industry for a long time but I know when to look for and accept help. 
Jimmy Chitwood - The quiet and shy star of the team, who when it was time for that last second shot said, "I'll make it!"  Trust, I am neither quiet, nor shy, but I have confidence in doing the right thing and taking the team (industry) to a winning season. 

So, if you haven't seen the movie, rent it, netflix it, hulu it!  If you have seen it, go back and watch again.  It's a classic.  So much of what is happening in our world today could benefit from having a Coach Norman Dale, an Ollie, a Shooter or a Jimmy Chitwood involved. 

One last line from the movie...Dentyne!  (It makes sense when you watch it!)

Keep going! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Moving ahead....

Its been a week since GBTA convention came to an end.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, no matter how the vote came in, things would change.  Even if, by the vote, nothing was to change, change was going to happen. 

In the next few weeks, I will embark on my first official Board of Directors meetings.  This isn't a campaign slogan for me, I really do want to be your voice.  Tell me what works, tell me what doesn't.  Trust, I have my own opinions on both, but want to be able to articulate what your feelings.  Know that you can always contact me at with comments or questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you and keep going!!!